Saturday 28 July 2012

Day 29, 30, 31 Go Green Island? Nope, We were opposite!

Well, it was unexpected that we had to cancel our trip to Green Island today because it was raining in the morning. Kasia was disappointing about this but we managed to go to the music festival in Dulan. It was fun and the Pacific Ocean gave me a different feeling compared to the sea in Malaysia. You can see nothing but only blue ocean with huge waves and it is connected with the blue sky with only one line. Now is the season of the Typhoon and it will be more dangerous if go to the seaside. I bet you all do not know that we can't swim in the ocean here since the waves are huge and unstable. The forecast has shown that the Typhoon is nearer to Taiwan and the following weeks will be raining all the days and maybe this will be my first experience about the power of Typhoon. I think the strong wind will blow and we are not able to go out from the house.Hmm, I just left two weeks here, so please do not spoil my plans, my dear Typhoon ='(

Here are the pictures I took today and tomorrow we will go to hot balloon! I hope it will not rain tomorrow.

Beautiful Pacific Ocean.

The Music Festival we went today.

I love the sea and the mountain here. The combination is perfect!

The place where the music festival held at.

Kasia, the beautiful young woman from Poland.

Kasia and Hana from Czech Republic. 

Cute little fake crab on the wood.

Here I am with the serious sun tanned skin. Can you compare the before and after? I might be hot for the European and western people, but definitely not Asian.

The Spanish dance on the stage

Oh, I have to bleach myself!

I love this stone! Wish all the travelers have a joyful journey in Taiwan.

Beautiful arts at here. I love this kind of art. I love nature, I love wood.

We took taxi to this place and back to the bus station with taxi. I talked a lot with the driver and we (me and Ekuan) told them we are not Taiwanese. Maybe it is surprising for them because we seem like the local people.They feel amazed when we said we are able to understand and communicate in many different languages. This is why I am proud to be a Malaysian. The people in Taitung communicate more in Hokkien especially those older and elder people. Haha! I can understand well, but I can't really talk well because they have the different slang compared to Malaysian. I speak Penang Hokkien, so lagi tak boleh communicate =P Oh!I forget to tell you that this place is opposite to the Green Island, haha! We do not go there but we are able to see the island from the opposite. 

We will see what will happen tomorrow. Stay tuned babes <3

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