Monday 16 July 2012

Day 18 and 19 All the way to Taitung

Oh yes, I have disappeared for two days without any updates. I am so sorry because I am busying preparing for the summer camp for the kids in one of the primary school in Taitung. This is a small yet very beautiful primary school which has the building structure of a castle. YES! I do not lie but it looks similar to little castle. The view is awesome even though the weather is hot. I got sun tanned again and become darker. We sleep at the computer room of this school and have to cross the road to take a shower. Here unlike Taipei, is more to rural area and most of them can speak Hokkien even the little kids. They are so adorable yet some of them are really naughty and uncontrollable.

Oh my! There are some kids who really stick to me and ask for hugging all the time. Hahaha! I saw a guy that is the ordinary "BAD kid" in a school. He reminds me of someone, the hero of "You are the Apple of My Eye". He gives me a feeling of bad but lonely guy. We described him as a child who does not know how to express himself, so he chooses to act cool and naughty. This makes me more curious and want to talk to him more.

The elder sister of a pair of twins. She is adorable and "sticky". Always ask for hand phone numbers, hugs, holding hands, take pictures and etc.

A very intelligent girl at Grade 3. She is so mature and listen to what we said. I like her very much.

Another girl I like. She is so taking care of her little brother. She told me that she got scolded by her parents because his brother broke something during at the school last time but she did not know about that. She reminds me about myself. She behaves herself very well and at the same time she cares about her naughty brother =)

This is my group's work during the competition of making a farm by using the Plasticine. Even though we did not win the competition but I am proud of this. My kids, please be more kind and listen to words, okay? Today was a little out of control. We hope we can do better tomorrow.

p/s : Tomorrow I will present about Malaysia! OMG! I am nervous but the kids reacts to be more active or passive based on the presentation. I hope I can do well and they feel excited about my presentation. 

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