Friday 13 July 2012

Day 16 and 17 Get Bored with Internet

Hmm, yes that is what I am trying to say here. On Day 16, I was surfing internet at the host family house and read some books. After the reading, I fell asleep as usual. I get to sleep after my reading each and every time. Maybe my eyes are extremely exhausted. Again, I had to skip the dinner because when I woke up, it was already around 10pm.

It was around 10pm and I had online as usual. Suddenly my sister messaged me and asked me to open my Skype since my mother wanted to talk to me. Bad boy Skype, I do not know why it did not work. At last, I used Facebook chat to on the video call to chat with my mother. The funny part was she can see me through the webcam but I can't see her because my sister's computer is the older version which do not have webcam. She was worrying about me whether I am okay with the weather in Taiwan since it is hotter than the weather in Malaysia and my tight pocket (Taiwan has higher expenses than Malaysia). I miss the rain, the 28 degree Celsius environment in Malaysia. The big Sun had kissed my skin until I got serious sun tanned but it never asked my permission before do that. Ohhh~ Can I reject you? My beloved Sun? 

Today I was following Karolina and Kasia to The Base and again we met Chris and her OC team who were discussing about their plans for the summer camp. I had finished my preparation so I just online freely and doing nothing. Then I use my phone to on the Skype and I found OSS was online-ing. Thank GOD I called him for 1 and 30 minutes for talking nonsense. Haha, thank you for being so patient with me. Lastly I can talk normally (in Malaysian style - Rojak Language) =P

15 June we have to go to Tai Dong and it is around 4 to 5 hours trip from Taipei. I hope everything will be fine there. Thanks to Sandy again for solving my problem and let me stay at her house for one day before I go back to Malaysia. Secretly I had bought the card for her and the family. I will write everything sincerely and I will send something good from Malaysia when I back to Malaysia.

p/s : I saw the picture of other intern's hostel and it is fulled of her memories about Taiwan! I hope I can get that too! All the OC members, please write me something meaningful! I will remember you all forever =) I promise I will keep in touch with you guys.

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