Monday 9 July 2012

Day 12 and 13 All about Rest and Meeting + Tiring Walking

Alright, tell you all a secret, on day 12 which is meant yesterday I was sleeping almost whole day because of tiredness. Hahaha! I watched drama and read books for whole day. A bad consequence was I eat nothing for dinner and I starved for whole night until I eat lunch during the meeting time today in The Base. Oh no~ But it was ok, I was ready for that but I spent a lot of money today to buy things. Maybe as a bad signal for yesterday work.

Well, today we had our first meeting (finally) at The Base. The shop is awesome but we have to spend minimum NT100 to get internet service there. Well well, this is so called the business technique. I got it. The picture below shows the environment there and it is good. Okay, great BUT we had waited for more than an hour to get the meal we ordered. Regarding to this, I STRONGLY suggested it should be improved. If not, you (the shop) have to bare the consequences.

We had met a lots of new faces. Hope we can cooperate well together in the future. Put your hands up. I bet all the AIESECers or the new members (for those who are new like Christina and Karolina) will have the cultures understanding pretty fast. We can make it! My English and Chinese are just in the level of satisfaction. They never excellent but I am trying to improve them. If anything wrong please do not blame me ='( 

Then after the meeting, Karolina, Kasia and me were loitering around, buying stuffs and then doing nothing. However, Kasia said that she would like to go to the riverside to see the scenery and then we went. Firstly, we went to the LongShan Temple station and we walked to the river. It was really a LONG journey. Basically I was fatigue. Almost cannot walk back to the subway station (Opps, we lost somewhere because we did not recognize the roads here). Luckily a very good uncle helped me when he saw we need his help to back to the Taiwan Main Station by using the Taipei City Mall underground.. Phew...Thanks to God, we finally reached and went back safely.

Beautiful scenery from the riverbank. There were a lots of crabs which I found them a little creepy. Haha, maybe because I am "allergic" to those tiny animals. It was really a hot sunny day which was around 36 degree Celsius. This is the reason why we were burning (Kasia said her ass was burning, hahaha! Shhh, this is the secret between you and me =P)

Nice view during the sunset. I like when the people here cycle and bring their doggies to have a walk. Yay! I see people play basketball too =) Kasia loves to take photos as usual. I secretly give her a name : Photo queen who always ready for photo sessions =P

Hmm, finally I got my own converter! I will definitely keep it and maybe the Easy Card (some sort of Touch and Go in Malaysia and Sandy's called it as "Student's Debit Card" since it can purchase things from most of the convenient stalls) because it is only expired if we do not use it for two years. For those travelers, a kind reminder for you, please bring your own converter here and buy the Easy Card for MRT, any public transports in Taipei and discounts for shopping. I can guarantee you will never regret if you have a card with you. Always convenient to travel around Taipei City. To those my friends, maybe we can visit Taipei someday together =) I am looking forward for that. 

p/s : Stay tuned for tomorrow, we are going to Ferris Wheel in Taipei City. Wow!
        Wednesday ice skating with the OC team. =)

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