Saturday 7 July 2012

Day 11 GongGuan for Baggy

Wooo, today is totally a day for resting and taking NT188 bag from the shop in GongGuan. Seriously I am in love with another bag and it is NT390 for one. Oh please, I am lack of budget now, please don't do this to me. It is really torturing ='( The bag is adorable. I like it. I hope it can last longer since I am a big BAG user since I was in primary school. The most I spend are for skin cares and bags. Not food, not shoes, not others, or maybe books? I am a big fan of books too. I enjoy reading and listen to music (which is free from downloading)

I had my first McD today. It was a lonely one in the shop and I just spent my time there playing my hand phone's games. RM 15 for each set? Yeah, I can buy two sets in Malaysia. haha! I know it is kinda lame but I really do not know what I can do. Then, I walked around the city until the next station and I spent my time online with the free Wifi in the metro station. (Alone and a little lonely, kinda sad. I miss my friends)

Eating is always not an issue for me. I can totally survive with cheap food, as long as it makes me full. But shopping? Oh! it consumes me a lot. I need to earn and earn. Can I go to work as part timer here in Taipei? If someone want to hire me! That would be NICE! haha.. Ignore me please, I am not under control (mumbling ... bla bla bla)

Okay, as I said before, Karolina has a very serious sun burn on her body. It is burning RED. Huh! I am so shocked to see that but she feels ok. I just have to help her to apply lotion (hehe, please remember my contribution, Karolina) and thanks for inviting me to the party with you guys at the club but this is not my type. I prefer drinking with several friends in my lovely small and classy bar. (I do miss you all, SOB-ing) Doing something crazy in overseas and only the people here know about it idea is totally brilliant (Karolina said that), but maybe I am just too safe for this. I am always under my control. Controlling myself is always the thing I must do (Awww, I must be too mean to myself).

Next Monday will be the starting of the preparation to Taitung summer camp and Bookhouse. Wish me all the best. We are so worrying for Celine. Is she doing great at the Church? Hope everything is okay for both of us. Experiences make both of US grow! Yay! We are gonna be a better and confident person, right?

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