Friday 6 July 2012

Day 9 and 10 Yang Ming National Park and ShiLin Night Market

As I had promised yesterday, I will update a long article about my trip to Yang Ming National Park since today we went there again. Honestly, Yang Ming Mountain is really awesome. It is really big, one day trip is never enough for us to explore its beauty. I was enjoying the trip today more than yesterday since we had picnic on the huge field on Yang Ming Mountain. It was full with the fog that I had enjoyed because it is so cooling in this hot summer. Maybe it was really tiring during we climbed up the mountain by using our legs (It seems so pity to say that), but it is worth it. I mean it, we all do. We had photos with the little white dog which is so cute and active. It had even tried to "eat" lunch with us during the picnic time. Haha! I do LOVES doggies, and I hope I can get one when I got time for pet. It is the time to go and walk with my dog. Wee!

It is really beautiful when you view the scenery from the top of the mountain. It was stunning, lovely and huge. I was standing there enjoying every single moment I spent there and thinking about the power of nature. It inspired me. I am glad I had decided to come to Taiwan even though my financial issue is quite serious. I can make it through, I can do this. I had decided I will visit Europe countries in coming 5 years, with backpacker style, using my legs and hands to signal those who pass by the roads (This is what Karolina told me, I should use my legs to "attract" them to stop by, LOL). After we had our lunch, we decided to go down from the mountain since the fog was getting thicker and it gave the signal that it would rain so soon. It did rain, when we were waiting for the bus to go down to the town.

Ahh, before I forget, I would like to mention about the restaurant that is renovated by using the president Chiang Kai-Shek's house on the Yang Ming mountain. It was wonderful. I like the atmosphere there, peaceful, elegance and lastly, classy. I do like this kind of restaurant which plays the jazz music and it had played my favourate CD from Norah Jones! It was too awesome, I was singing along, enjoyed my dishes with the price of NT537. Okay I know, it was really expensive and I had never spent so much money for a lunch but yet I think I will regret if I did not pay for the visit. Everything in Taiwan is fulled with the memorial of their respectful father of Independence, Sun Yat-Sen and their previous president, Chiang Kai-Shek. Their contribution to this country is not forgotten by the citizen but they are always remember it by giving the highest respect. This is great and I think every big man with big contributions has the right to be remembered.

we are allowed to bring back the chopstick with an envelope and a bookmark as the souvenir. That was great! 

The dishes that we ate for our lunch, they looked nice, right? Classy and elegance are always my cup of tea.

The dessert after the main dish. Nice creamy biscuit and the yam made dessert with the tea. A lovely combination.

The envelop and the bookmark I had mentioned before this.

The nice atmosphere as I ever dreamed for.

Next, I would like to talk about ShiLin Night market. It was big as crowded. A very good shopping place where all the nice clothes and nice shoes are available. However, I had to control myself to not overspend. I just have my tasty snacks there as my dinner with the others. I had already bought myself a NT188 bag and I will get it tomorrow. The souvenirs are still not in the shopping list. I am wondering where can I find the cheap yet special and meaningful gifts for my lovely friends in Malaysia? I have my brain spun. Duh! Karolina and Kasia had bought lots of stuffs especially Chinese things but I think it is too normal for Malaysian. It is available in Malaysia as well. Thinking hard. OMG! Well, it is ok, I still have time to think about it.

Today was the day I enjoyed the most. Firstly, our distances are closer among four of us (Karolina, Kasia, Sandy and me). We were joking around, teaching each other languages. I love to learn Polish but the words are hardly pronounce correctly. We laughed because we are funny for learning new language but it is ok. Enjoy the process is always the most important one, right? There is only left approximately one week time in Sandy's house and we are just get closer and closer. I believe we will miss her and the family even we back in our own country. I think I should get something for her family before we leave to Taitung. I had promised her to send her something special from Malaysia when I am back. Hmm, this will be a great memory for me for the rest of my life. I was joking that Karolina needs me so much for helping her to apply the lotion on her back since she got serious sunburn. She does now, and I gonna miss her so much when back to Malaysia. I  will ask for her contacts and we may continue our friendship even we are so far away from each other. Hey Karolina! Please do miss me! I am and will be the "was" roommate when we are/were in Taipei! Send me the Belgium chocolate that is made by the Polish in German (complicated huh?) haha! I love that special chocolate! Huray!

I heard that in Taitung there is only internet excess in the office and we do not meet each other so frequently at there. Maybe because of this, I will not able to update my details everyday. It was awful to hear that but I think I can tell you all more in person if you guys want to know more about my adventures in Taiwan. I have given the words I will tell you all more on these if you guys are willing to listen to me. Miss all my friends in Malaysia. I love you all!

There will be a resting day for tomorrow. I need to redo my budget planning ='(

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