Friday 20 July 2012

Day 20, 21, 22, 23 The Farewell and Hello Book House!

Sorry that I do not update for so many days since I was busying for the summer camp preparation. It was really amazing and awesome to work with those kids and the OC team. Seriously I had great time there even though it was quite tiring for all of us to bring the information to the kids. Taking care of kids is really a challenge for me since they are too active and always keep on running here and there or get bored easily. I had tried hard to get their attention during the English Class lessons but luckily they were controllable. Here are the photos about the camp but sorry that I can't take a lot of photos during the camp because the duties made me not available for the photo taking sessions.

Game time for the kids, they were having fun.

Three of the Sugar Cubes I received from the kids. They are amazing. Just have to tell you all, there is a lot of aboriginal and hybrid kids here. Many of them are from single families. That is why I feel so sorry for them and hope we had brought the best for them in this camp. Many kids and the OC members had cried during the last day of the camp but I was not. I will hardly cry in front of people unless some uncontrollable things happen. I bet my friends all know it well.

Beach time with the OC team and EPs =)

Well, seriously I was a little shocked when so many OC members told me that they had a pretty negative first impression for me. Maybe when they saw my picture on Facebook and expected too much or too little from me and Chris was disappointed because she felt she chose the wrong person for this program for the first few meetings because she felt I am the different person from the interview. However, they told me that because they did not know me well and I had impressed them during the camp. I really do thank you for all of you because giving me the chances to prove myself. I can never blame you all for being misunderstood about me. I just who I am. I never get to be friendly at the first meet. It will be weird for me. I am never a perfect person but I think this has caused me who I am. Maybe some of the people feel I am too cold or too ego to talk to but I think once you are inside my heart, you will know me better. When people start to appreciate me, I feel great about that and the hugs from everyone are really good. Thank you for preparing such a wonderful program for us and you all seem like my younger brothers and sisters. I hope all the best for your future and please go to achieve your dreams without any doubts. If I can, why you can't?

“ 假如有内涵,就不怕被誤會。”
I know what I am doing and I will stay calm for everything. I always do believe when there is the chance to be a follower, just stay quiet for sometimes to listen to people. We have to plan according to what the leader wants. I always agree that : "A leader must be a good listener and a good follower."

Kristina was the first one to leave us to Orchard Island, I hope everything is fine for her. She is a brave and clever girl. I think her personalities can bring her further from what she is having now. Good luck, Kristina.

From now, the journey begins when we reached the Book House. I will work alone at another book house which is far away from my hostel. It would be fun. Aboriginal people are friendly and passionate. I can't wait to explore more in Taitung.

I got more serious sun tanned. I hope I can recover fast when back to Malaysia. Penang trip is waiting for me, weee!

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