Monday 23 July 2012

Day 24, 25, 26 Book House in Taitung

Once again I feel so sorry because I do not update always as last time since I have nothing much to say in one day so that I decided to accumulate all the experiences and talk them at once.

Basically it is fun to stay in Taitung since here got no sunny day but raining days. Thanks to God my skin finally can rest and I have to think the ways to rescue my dark skin. I think this is the worst condition I have faced compared to last time. It is even worst than the time when I joined marching competition for St. John Ambulance for my high school curriculum activities. I have pimples and uneven skin tone and I feel I am in the UGLIEST condition in my life! OMG! I think I have to spend a lots to cure my face to original like before I come to Taiwan.

As you all can see, I am here in Taiwan for almost 1 month and 2 weeks later I will leave and back to Malaysia. I am glad that I chose to come here since I have experienced for so many things that I can't get in Malaysia. Honestly I feel that my English and Chinese are improved so fast since I can only communicate by using these languages and they have to be used in perfect sentences and grammar. The people here are really friendly and they are good in music, singing and dancing. I have done some recordings for their performances and maybe I can show you all when I am back to Malaysia.

Tomorrow I have to teach the children how to dance with the teacher here. Hope everything will be fine! Lastly I hope the children can learn English with me, Aza aza fighting =)

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