Wednesday 11 July 2012

Day 15 Ice Skating in Xiao Ju Dan + Meeting with OC team

Today was a super hot sunny day which Taipei is already exceed 37 degree Celsius. OMG, even in Malaysia, this is extraordinary. I heard that it maybe can up to 40 degree Celsius soon. O.O

Today we went out early to Cheng-Chi University to have meeting with the OC team. We presented our slides and videos to the OC team and make the improvement on it. The food in the university is great and it is cheaper compared to the food outside. I really miss this kind of food which consists of dishes and rice. I never wanted to skip the rice in a day. I <3 to eat RICE very much! After that, we had our practices for the square dances. From here I only know that in Taiwan, AIESEC square dances are not that popular than in Malaysia. I enjoy dances especially AIESEC dances. I had learnt some dances from Poland, they were awesome! Basically we have learnt the another version of Waka Waka which is much more easier than the Egypt version from Alah during the MyLDS (Malaysian Leadership Development Seminar) and another songs. I had been informed that we have to learn another two songs for the summer camp in Taitung soon.

Oh gosh! I had missed the chance to go to NatCon (National Conference) for the EB board this year in Malaysia. So sad. But it is okay, you all just have to teach me the new square dances! I heard about the Fantastic Baby from BigBang! OMG! I want to learn it right now =P

Next station was the XiaoJuDan in Taipei which is the Taiwan Sport Arena and many famous singers or artists had performed here. The ice skating was really awesome! I had fallen down for twice but it was ok. I can learn to stable myself pretty fast. Thanks to Karolina for the teaching. I think I will go to practice after I back to Malaysia. Anyone wants to go with me? Hehehe! Date me please!

This was the gloves I bought for the entrance to the ice skating court (maybe is not called "COURT, but I do not know what to call as). Yellow is always the brightest! I am in love with bright colours nowadays.

NT20 for this gloves + NT290 for the ticket. The gloves make me want to practice ice skating more! The kids are really good!

The friends and me. I did not take the photo with Jenny ='(

p/s : Going to Taitung soon. 4 days left in Taipei city. The train ticket is expensive O.O
       I will try my best to do the presentation. First time handle the presentation with kids. Hopefully they all     can be cooperative =)
       I can't survive without internet. What should I do at night during in Taitung? Reading should be the first and the last option.
      I feel my thighs are getting smaller, hooray! Hope it will not be back in shape when I reach Malaysia one month later.

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