Monday 13 August 2012

Day 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47 Almost Comes Till The End

I think this will be my second last article for the trip to Taiwan.

Today was an awesome day since the teachers and the kids had organised the farewell party for me before I leave. I really appreciate and felt thank you for all of them because of the willingness to accept all of the things about me. I hope the kids can remember what I taught them and I promise I will visit Taiwan again if there is a chance.

Last day in Taitung is quite sentimental. Karolina is playing the songs for going back home. Yeah, I do miss my home, family and friends. I can't wait to see them again.

Yesterday I had cooked spaghetti and made some cocktail for them and I am glad that they had enjoyed the dishes I made. Thanks to Ekuan for cooking the awesome Bak Kut Teh. I really prefer this than the regular one. We shall meet again during in Malaysia, my friend. Please take more pictures about they both (the big and small guys), haha!

I gonna miss all the people I met in Taiwan and the scenery and things here as well. See you all in future.

p/s: 1) I love the t shirt and bracelets that are given by the big boy. It was surprising. Thank you ^^

The following pictures are the memories I get from these few days.

The view of the small town I live during I am in Taitung. The name of this town is called "Qi Zi Tou"

One of the stalls in night market. It reminds me of "Gold Fish Uncle", haha!

The snacks they had for my farewell party =)

The clever kid who is in his Year 5 in primary school. He is good in playing Chinese Chess.

My favourite student =) He is good in learning and he listens to the elders.

The kids sat properly and listened to the boss during my farewell party.

The girl who quits the school and work from now. She is unwillingly to let me take the photo so I just secretly take one from behind =P

My gifts from the kids, they are lovely.

Watching the kids playing infront and behind the book house. Some of them are really uncontrollable but it was okay.

Lastly, the night view of my book house! I had great memories from here <3

p/s : 2) Today will be the last day in Taitung, tomorrow I will be on the train to Taipei! Yeah! Please no typhoon =(

Monday 6 August 2012

Day 37, 38, 39, 40 Conclusion for These Days

Aha! I want to say hello again to all my blog fans, thank you for supporting me from all around the world. It has been 4 days I never update my conditions here in Taitung (I have a thick face, hahaha!)

Basically I went to cycle with the kids during Saturday and it was tiring yet exciting. Why it was tiring? This is because it cost us 4 hours to finish the whole journey - go and back from Taitung city. The roads were fine to me but I really hate the moment where we had to cycle up to the hills especially on the journey back to the book house. We had no time for resting since the sky was getting dark around 7.00pm so we had to rush. As results, I got a very bad condition for my legs and ass. They were really really PAIN! ='(
Oh! I think I forget to mention about the European girls who had gone to Green Island to enjoy while we both cycled with the kids. I think it worth because I will never have the second chance to be with them (the kids and teachers) but I still have the chance to go to Green Island next time. Haha! The girls had sun burn on their skin and they are really HOT now =P

The preparation before cycle go to the town

The next day I went to Taitung city with Ekuan (another Malaysian) for shopping. Obviously I spent a lot (I think all my friends know about that =P) Some of the things here are cheaper but since the value Malaysian money always drops, it has became expensive for me. Besides that, we had tried the famous "Bi Tai Bak" in Taitung and honestly the noodles look alike to Penang laksa and not really alike to Malaysian's "Bi Tai Bak" . The only different is the soup used is different and they eat "Bi Tai Bak" with soup or black soy bean sauce.

Famous Bi Tai Bak shop which is already more than 40 years old

I love the environment here. It is so similar to Malacca shops =)

The dishes we had in the shop =)

Today I had introduced Malaysia to my kids and the teachers in the book house. I hope they can learn something new and interesting from me. 

Only around 7 days left and I have to say goodbye to Taiwan soon. I think I gonna miss everything and everyone I know here =) 

Thursday 2 August 2012

Day 33, 34, 35, 36 Typhoon in Taiwan

The day to leave Taiwan is getting nearer and nearer. I think I will miss here, since everything has became part of my life right now. I love the peace here, maybe plus a little natural disaster that I never experienced before in Malaysia.

One of the teachers told me just now : " Oh, I do not know that Malaysia does not have Typhoon. Maybe someday you will miss the monkeys wake you up everyday by jumping up and down on the roof, and the strong wind that can cause damage to the buildings and trees. "

Hmm, these are really good and brand new experiences for me. However, I miss my family and friends in Malaysia. I think I need some time to get back into normal life in Malaysia when I go back to the country. I miss the food and the places I live and I stay, so I just can't wait until 15/8 and take my flight back.

From this exchange, I think it definitely has changed my mind and something inside my heart. I want to get into a better and new life. Say goodbye to old Hoi Peng and say hello to the new me, a brand new Hoi Peng with more mature thinking. Those hard feelings or sadness had gone away from me. I feel that I start to become more patient than last time. I love the kids in the book house and I hope I can help them to become a better person in future.

I am going to celebrate my 22nd birthday on coming October and I hope I can welcome it happily. Be more confident to myself and I think I can speak more in front of people now. Aza!

p/s : Waiting patiently for my favourite drama! 

Sunday 29 July 2012

Day 32 Lu Ye for Hot Balloon but The Weather Made Us Disappointed

Hmm, I have told you all that we are going to the Lu Ye for the hot balloon today but unfortunately the rain had made us go back before it started. Usually the hot balloon will start around 4.30pm until 7.30pm but because of raining, we thought that it will be cancelled straightly. However, when it was around 6pm and we were on the bus to back to the town, they started to light up the fire for the hot balloon but it was not yet prepared for flying up to the sky. It was so irritating and it had wasted everyone's time for waiting the hot balloon event to start. Oh no! Luckily I had bought something made in Taiwan from there and we did not go back with empty hands.

The people here like to fly their kites on the ground while waiting for the event to start. From July until 2nd of September will be the Hot Balloon Festival that is organized by the Taiwan government, that is why now is the season where a lot of tourists will come to this place to watch the hot balloon or have a short journey with it. It costs NT500 for around 7 minutes up to the sky and NT8000 for those who wants to go around for 1 hour or more.

Oh, I bet a lot of Malaysian never taste Shakya before! Now is the season of Shakya(one type of fruit) and a lot of products are made by using this fruit such as biscuits, ice cream and etc.

These are the pictures I took today.

I am getting older and older with blemish face.

One day ticket for the bus from Taitung city to Lu Ye.

Awesome view where you can see the blue sky and well-arranged farms.

Miss Karolina and me.

Miss Kasia and me

Miss Hana and me 

The view from the highest part of the ground where people are flying their kites, enjoy their picnics and etc.

A lovely doggie I met there. Taiwanese doggies never pee and shit around. They are well-trained by their owners.

Disappointed. Oh, my dear weather, why you do this to us ?! This was the view taken from the bus when the people there started to light up the fire for the hot balloons.

We were laughing all the night because of Typhoon. Since 6 of us never experienced it before, some of us got scared and started to worry about this. This is why we decided to grab food from Carrefour for preparation that when the Typhoon reaches, we probably cannot go out to get the food.

That is why the jokes begin.

" TypFOOD is coming, be CARREFOUR" 

Hahahaha! It was so funny that we can't stop laughing inside the room and even the people from other room can hear us.

So, we had gone to Carrefour before we go back to our hostel. I had bought a new luggage since my luggage spoiled when I reach Taitung weeks ago. It is huge compare to my old one. I hope it can last longer so that I do not have to spend money to buy my fourth luggage ='(

Saturday 28 July 2012

Day 29, 30, 31 Go Green Island? Nope, We were opposite!

Well, it was unexpected that we had to cancel our trip to Green Island today because it was raining in the morning. Kasia was disappointing about this but we managed to go to the music festival in Dulan. It was fun and the Pacific Ocean gave me a different feeling compared to the sea in Malaysia. You can see nothing but only blue ocean with huge waves and it is connected with the blue sky with only one line. Now is the season of the Typhoon and it will be more dangerous if go to the seaside. I bet you all do not know that we can't swim in the ocean here since the waves are huge and unstable. The forecast has shown that the Typhoon is nearer to Taiwan and the following weeks will be raining all the days and maybe this will be my first experience about the power of Typhoon. I think the strong wind will blow and we are not able to go out from the house.Hmm, I just left two weeks here, so please do not spoil my plans, my dear Typhoon ='(

Here are the pictures I took today and tomorrow we will go to hot balloon! I hope it will not rain tomorrow.

Beautiful Pacific Ocean.

The Music Festival we went today.

I love the sea and the mountain here. The combination is perfect!

The place where the music festival held at.

Kasia, the beautiful young woman from Poland.

Kasia and Hana from Czech Republic. 

Cute little fake crab on the wood.

Here I am with the serious sun tanned skin. Can you compare the before and after? I might be hot for the European and western people, but definitely not Asian.

The Spanish dance on the stage

Oh, I have to bleach myself!

I love this stone! Wish all the travelers have a joyful journey in Taiwan.

Beautiful arts at here. I love this kind of art. I love nature, I love wood.

We took taxi to this place and back to the bus station with taxi. I talked a lot with the driver and we (me and Ekuan) told them we are not Taiwanese. Maybe it is surprising for them because we seem like the local people.They feel amazed when we said we are able to understand and communicate in many different languages. This is why I am proud to be a Malaysian. The people in Taitung communicate more in Hokkien especially those older and elder people. Haha! I can understand well, but I can't really talk well because they have the different slang compared to Malaysian. I speak Penang Hokkien, so lagi tak boleh communicate =P Oh!I forget to tell you that this place is opposite to the Green Island, haha! We do not go there but we are able to see the island from the opposite. 

We will see what will happen tomorrow. Stay tuned babes <3

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Day 27, 28 Get Familiar With The Kids in Book House

I think I did not mention about the name of the book house I work now. It is called "Jian Nong" in chinese and it is basically function as a family or a home for those children who are from the unhealthy families such as single parent, parents get drunk and family violence, the kids being abandoned by the parents and etc.

These kids are really pity and they need help. I am glad that there are people in Taiwan willing to spend their time and money to educate the kids so that they do not go to the wrong way. I am wondering if Malaysia has such people who can help our children in Malaysia. I think there are more these kind of children in Malaysia but unfortunately the helping hands are too little compared to Taiwan.

Today is the third day I work in this book house and I fairly know the function of this book house. My boss told me that every children in this book house have their own stories behind and they are trying to help them to fix the condition by giving some psychological supports and advises to the kids. I was trying hard to teach them English but they are basically do not know anything well in English. The children in Taiwan only learn English when they are in Grade 3. This is kinda hard for me to teach them a simple words since they can't even write simple alphabets. Consequently I have to find another way to teach them. My boss said that they like to use the listening as the first step to let the children learn English. Probably I will try the method tomorrow and see the results.

These are the pictures I took today because one of the kids has his birthday today and his father brought the cake and some soda drinks for us to celebrate together.

The birthday King with his big birthday cake. 10 years old big guy.

My Favorite boy. He is willing to listen and learn 

I think he is the most handsome boy here in the book house =P

He is lovely. He is sick, but we are teaching him to become a better one =)

My two little "sticky girls". They love to play with my long hair.

Cute little boy, always stay with his sister, asking her to go back home.

Awww, she is so CUTE! I just saw her today in the book house. A 2 years old girl.

Naughty boy that never wants to listen to me. Hardly to control. Haha!

The sister of the sick boy. They have the same sad story behind.

Clever boy ever. He can answer my questions fast. He wants to search my Facebook and I dare him to do so XD!

Birthday boy is shy to take picture, always try to cover his face. LOL

These kids are really innocent and lovely. I hope we can work together nicely in future =)
Love all. <3