Monday 13 August 2012

Day 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47 Almost Comes Till The End

I think this will be my second last article for the trip to Taiwan.

Today was an awesome day since the teachers and the kids had organised the farewell party for me before I leave. I really appreciate and felt thank you for all of them because of the willingness to accept all of the things about me. I hope the kids can remember what I taught them and I promise I will visit Taiwan again if there is a chance.

Last day in Taitung is quite sentimental. Karolina is playing the songs for going back home. Yeah, I do miss my home, family and friends. I can't wait to see them again.

Yesterday I had cooked spaghetti and made some cocktail for them and I am glad that they had enjoyed the dishes I made. Thanks to Ekuan for cooking the awesome Bak Kut Teh. I really prefer this than the regular one. We shall meet again during in Malaysia, my friend. Please take more pictures about they both (the big and small guys), haha!

I gonna miss all the people I met in Taiwan and the scenery and things here as well. See you all in future.

p/s: 1) I love the t shirt and bracelets that are given by the big boy. It was surprising. Thank you ^^

The following pictures are the memories I get from these few days.

The view of the small town I live during I am in Taitung. The name of this town is called "Qi Zi Tou"

One of the stalls in night market. It reminds me of "Gold Fish Uncle", haha!

The snacks they had for my farewell party =)

The clever kid who is in his Year 5 in primary school. He is good in playing Chinese Chess.

My favourite student =) He is good in learning and he listens to the elders.

The kids sat properly and listened to the boss during my farewell party.

The girl who quits the school and work from now. She is unwillingly to let me take the photo so I just secretly take one from behind =P

My gifts from the kids, they are lovely.

Watching the kids playing infront and behind the book house. Some of them are really uncontrollable but it was okay.

Lastly, the night view of my book house! I had great memories from here <3

p/s : 2) Today will be the last day in Taitung, tomorrow I will be on the train to Taipei! Yeah! Please no typhoon =(

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