Thursday 2 August 2012

Day 33, 34, 35, 36 Typhoon in Taiwan

The day to leave Taiwan is getting nearer and nearer. I think I will miss here, since everything has became part of my life right now. I love the peace here, maybe plus a little natural disaster that I never experienced before in Malaysia.

One of the teachers told me just now : " Oh, I do not know that Malaysia does not have Typhoon. Maybe someday you will miss the monkeys wake you up everyday by jumping up and down on the roof, and the strong wind that can cause damage to the buildings and trees. "

Hmm, these are really good and brand new experiences for me. However, I miss my family and friends in Malaysia. I think I need some time to get back into normal life in Malaysia when I go back to the country. I miss the food and the places I live and I stay, so I just can't wait until 15/8 and take my flight back.

From this exchange, I think it definitely has changed my mind and something inside my heart. I want to get into a better and new life. Say goodbye to old Hoi Peng and say hello to the new me, a brand new Hoi Peng with more mature thinking. Those hard feelings or sadness had gone away from me. I feel that I start to become more patient than last time. I love the kids in the book house and I hope I can help them to become a better person in future.

I am going to celebrate my 22nd birthday on coming October and I hope I can welcome it happily. Be more confident to myself and I think I can speak more in front of people now. Aza!

p/s : Waiting patiently for my favourite drama! 

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