Saturday 30 June 2012

Day 4 Resting Day at Host Family House

Well well, as I mentioned yesterday, I decided to rest one day in the host family house since I am tired for going out two days. Taiwan is not big as in Malaysia but still it consumes time, money and definitely ENERGY. Hooo... I had embarrassed myself today when I ate lunch with the father and the daughter in a shop near their house. I choke because of the chili and vomited the meatball I ate. I would like to hide myself under the table on that time. Totally embarrassing for me to get such a situation in front of many people.

*Cry hard*

Thanks to the family once again to provide me food even they are not necessary to do so. I had spent nothing today but I would like to figure out what to give to them before I leave Taipei City. A appreciation card must be given to them. I had promised myself about that. Karolina had brought the alcohol drink from Poland but I bring nothing special from Malaysia. By the way, I love the bamboo dish that is made by Sandy's mother. The cooking is easy yet it is delicious. I love that dish very much. I hope I can eat that in Malaysia when I am back.

Duh. Sadly Celine and I cannot make it for the date together in Taipei before I leave here. Tomorrow  I decide to go to GongGuan alone and shop there.Wish me luck =)

p/s: Need to buy a converter for me plug since Taiwan is using two pin plug with only 110V

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