Saturday 30 June 2012

Day 4 Resting Day at Host Family House

Well well, as I mentioned yesterday, I decided to rest one day in the host family house since I am tired for going out two days. Taiwan is not big as in Malaysia but still it consumes time, money and definitely ENERGY. Hooo... I had embarrassed myself today when I ate lunch with the father and the daughter in a shop near their house. I choke because of the chili and vomited the meatball I ate. I would like to hide myself under the table on that time. Totally embarrassing for me to get such a situation in front of many people.

*Cry hard*

Thanks to the family once again to provide me food even they are not necessary to do so. I had spent nothing today but I would like to figure out what to give to them before I leave Taipei City. A appreciation card must be given to them. I had promised myself about that. Karolina had brought the alcohol drink from Poland but I bring nothing special from Malaysia. By the way, I love the bamboo dish that is made by Sandy's mother. The cooking is easy yet it is delicious. I love that dish very much. I hope I can eat that in Malaysia when I am back.

Duh. Sadly Celine and I cannot make it for the date together in Taipei before I leave here. Tomorrow  I decide to go to GongGuan alone and shop there.Wish me luck =)

p/s: Need to buy a converter for me plug since Taiwan is using two pin plug with only 110V

Friday 29 June 2012

Day 3 Jiu Fen

Going out to Jiu Fen today and it was a wonderful day since I can meet so many new friends especially Sandy's friend and the another host family members and her friend. I had took lots of pictures but I felt bad about my appearance especially my face since it becomes the darkest among us. Oh no! I am wondering why I am not born naturally pale and hardly to get sun tanned. I am so envy for those who will never get tanned.

Jiu Fen was a beautiful place to shop and to see the night view. The place is definitely a tourism place and the price of the food and things are more expensive compared to normal shop. However, all the food in Taipei city are still very expensive compared to Malaysia and here never have a 24 hours mamak stall for me to eat when I am hungry. Haha! I miss Malaysia food very much! Same like what aunty and cousin sister had told me, they cannot adapt themselves for the Taiwanese food because some of them have strong taste and smell and they were not used to them. I start to believe that since everything here is the "doubled tasted" and maybe it is more suitable for those who like strong taste and smell food but some of the food are delicious. I had enjoyed eating MuaChi (Taiwan famous food) with lots of flavours and Karolina loves AiYuBing (a type of drink). I had bought two postcard here and I am wondering what should I write on the postcards

*Thinking hard*...

Well, since I had spent two tired days in Taiwan, I would like to rest tomorrow. I have given the suggestion that I will teach Sandy and her sister more on English and I hope I can help them pretty much. Staying in their house without doing anything useful or contribute something back to them makes me feel guilty. I will probably try my best to help them.

Here is the end for today. Will be continued tomorrow.

Thursday 28 June 2012

Day 1 and Day 2 Adventures begin

Seriously I can say that I am not really worry about my journey to Taiwan since I can communicate in Chinese pretty well. However, I start to worry about the financial problem since the food here is much more expensive compared to Malaysia. Hope I can cope it slowly. Thanks to my uncle and aunty for providing me the food and comfortable place and fetch me to the airport on yesterday morning. The flight was okay for me. Nothing big issues happened and thanks to Claire (my buddy) and the other AIESECers for waiting me so long in the airport. Even though my luggage is only 17 kgs ( I thought it will be more than 20kgs), it was heavy like hell. We had traveled by using bus, MRT, train and some kind like LRT in Malaysia to reach my host family house. They are really nice to me and my roommate Karolina (she is from Poland) and thanks to them for providing us a very good services. The mother had prepared a wondering and delicious dishes as the dinner for us and the food is surprising for me as I never took them before. For Karolina, that would be her first time to use a pair of chopsticks to eat. I am wondering what to give to them before I leave Taipei city.

I think i will not upload the photos here since I will upload in my facebook account. I will roughly explain about my feelings and my journey everyday if possible.

Basically today I had started my journey since yesterday was a tired day and we had slept around 10 to 11pm. Firstly I felt a little uncomfortable and cannot fall asleep since I can't adapted well in different weather and place however after a little moment, I was able to sleep well until the next morning. Today we had met up the other girl, Kasia (Another girl from Poland) at the subway with her host family members. Then we split and four of us (Me,Kasia, Karolina and Sandy (my host family)) went to the places such as Taipei 101 and the places around there with Claire who met us up later on. Then we also when to the shopping center where the bookstore is the biggest in Taiwan (Cheng Pin Bookstore), the starbuck here is different as well since the menu is a little bit different from Malaysia and the most interesting one is they do not have solid sugar but a liquid one. This was the first time I saw that type of sugar.

After that, we went to the Long Shan Temple by using the subway and we have walked around the area to find for food(lunch and dessert). Then, we ate our lunch with another AIESECer from Cheng-chi university whose name is April. she can speak fluent English and she told us that she went to many countries even to Malaysia before. I am glad to know her too. She had brought us to the places where the movie "Mongka" was shot. There was a pair of couple shot their wedding pictures there with different types of clothes. I think maybe someday I can do that too. =P After a while, she had to leave us since she had a meeting in her university. We had continued our journey with Claire and later on Christina (another intern from Czech Republic) joined us to have dinner and walk along the streets where the night market is. After we had our dinner and the walk, we decided to go back to our host family house since there is nothing for us to do and the place to see the night view of Taipei city is far away from our place. Thus, we had decided to go there another day.

I am looking forward to the place for tomorrow where we will visit "Jiu Fen", a beautiful place in Taiwan. Good night everyone =)

p/s: I hope my sunburn can be cured fast!